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   Feature Articles


Feature Articles

Robert Lewis McLellan-Sim

Talented Art Master
Prince of Wales School 1947-63

Portrays the life of a brilliant artist,
who inpsired many of his pupils
with his wonderful, natural talent

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Lawrence Victor Walker
MA (Cantab)

Mathematics Master Supreme
Prince of Wales School 1952-63

A tribute to a brilliant man,
who passed on his passion for
mathematics to his pupils
(contains excerpts from his diaries)

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To School Behind a Garratt
A brilliant account of the extraordinary
journeys that some had to make to get
to and from school in East Africa

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Sir Herbert Baker
and the
Prince of Wales School

A fascinating insight into the design
of the main school buildings

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Staff Nicknames
(40s, 50s, 60s)

This really is a humorous link!
Can you add to the list?

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a light-hearted attempt at 50
years’ distance to remember
and categorise the unique
blend of language which
constituted Kenya

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A History of
The Prince of Wales School/Nairobi School
Click Here
Captain B.W.L. Nicholson

First Headmaster of the
Prince of Wales School 1931-1937

A thoroughly researched
and beautifully written & presented
tribute to a unique man
who founded our great school

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Bernard Astley, OBE
Second Headmaster of the
Prince of Wales School 1937-1944

Taken largely from his personal
diaries, this is a fascinating
insight into a great man
who took the school up a level

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Philip Fletcher, OBE, 1945-59
A Headmaster Remembered

An outline of Mr. Fletcher’s career
and an opportunity to add
your memories of a
very special man

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