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   All (East African) Schools Picnic - Sydney 2004

All (East African) Schools Picnic - Sydney 2004

Report supplied by Brian Turner

"After a great turnout of around 90 people last year, this Year was a bit of a fizzer, drawing 22 only. It was not a pleasant day weatherwise, unlike 2003, and this would have had some effect.

There was also apparently a little confusion as to whether the Picnic was in November or October. This was hard to understand as both Dave Lichtenstein and I, plus a few others, spread the word that we were going to hold it on the usual weekend. Due to the KRA Reunion in South Africa and the fact that Dave Lichtenstein was not going to be here, we did conjecture on alternative dates. In my view, the main factor was our Master of Picnics, Fundi Lichtenstein, was not there in the lead up weeks to chase numbers, which he does so well. Dave remained in Africa for a month or so after the SA Reunion, visiting Kenya and climbing the ubiquiious Mountains - but thats another story!!

Nevertheless the ones who did attend enjoyed themselves thoroughly and it was easier to take the obligatory Photos, which I will let you have copies of shortly.

There were a number of Old Cambrians at the KRA Reunion the previous day, and I will put a report together for the Web site in due course."