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   David Isherwood


David Isherwood

Nickname: 'Fish'
House: Nicholson
Years: 1965-1970

I have many fond memories of my life at 'Princo' and perhaps one day I'll put together a few details for you.

The following is taken from David's letter to Webmaster dated 7th July 2006:
I notice you were a good swimmer in your day - I had such a lovely time swimming up and down training - sometimes 5 miles a day!! I still swim 90 lengths a week on average trying to keep fit. (Webmaster's comment: I remember David, and his brother Ian, as absolutely fantastic swimmers, dominating not just school and inter-school galas, but also Kenya National Championships).

I ended up in Abingdon (near Oxford) with my own business in construction (I actually opted out of a scientific career and became a carpenter) - a good move as I've had a lot of pleasure from it, and also the freedom I enjoy. At the moment I've just built my own house - should have done it 10 years ago - I'm still finishing it off.

My uncles were the 'Hatfield' brothers:
  • John (Head of School in the 1940s)
  • David - good sportsman
  • Benjamin - played rugby for East Africa

    My brother, Ian, was killed in Mombasa in the early 1990's, tragically.

    (Registered - 10th July 2006)

  • If anyone wishes to contact David, please e-mail webmaster@oldcambrians.com to obtain his contact details